Chapter 6 – Conceptualizing The Spactial Perception
[Figure 10] - Concepts from Literature Review

    Here, the outcomes of literature review and the exploration of public spaces and leisure activities are gathered in order to offer an abstract conceptualization of the spatial perception and the collective identity. The space and memory are recognized as transforming, uncertain and abstract phenomena within the theoretical framework of this research, but they are still realized as deeply in relation with the physical space. In this section, the possible physical representation of the space’s abstract conceptualization will be introduced.

    While the space is accepted as a set of complexly related elements, the elements creating the space can be categorized and organized in non-hierarchal ways. The constituents forming the space experience can be described in three sections: 

1.    The physical space: The sensory features of a space that can be physically perceived at an experience such as sounds, textures, smells, colours and more. All together they form the physicality of the space.

2.    The elements within the space (including the subjective participants) and their interactions with each other: the momentary, transient aspects within a space. These introduce the concept of time in the spatial perception.

3.    The meanings, ideas, senses, and emotions that are iterated in relation to this spatial context: the abstract layer constituting the space which gives it the attribute of becoming the place. It is the layer that is formed by the accumulation of subjective interpretations.

    Based on this conceptualization, the elements of mesire and plaj typologies are determined and categorized under these components. As they were landscapes that became urban settings via temporary occupations and appropriations, beaches and meadows offered an opportunity to clearly distinguish the physical space as the first component from the temporary activities and occupations creating the second component of the spatial conceptualization.

    The landscapes the sandy beaches and the meadows are determined as the aspects creating the first component. Although they included the vegetation, the weather conditions, the soundsand smells, colours and textures, and many more physical features, in this model they are represented in an abstract manner by using plywood topography models and created the bases of the model. The base of the meadow model is derived from the section of Istanbul topography model that includes Küçüksu and Göksu Meadows, hills looking over them, and a part of the Bosporus. The base of the beach model is prepared by using the Caddebostan Beach section of the same Istanbul CAD model. They both are produced by CNC milling. 

    The activities that are practiced on these landscapes, temporary objects carried to and from these spaces and the visitors that spent restricted periods of time in these spaces are determined as constituents of the space conceptualization’s temporary layer. In the design objects and elements resembling this layer are placed on metal ropes connected to each other and the model frame with a pulley system. While they took place in the space, they are not represented as static components. Instead, they had the ability to move and appears in different locations and situations within this conceptual demonstration. This way the interactions and incidents happening with the introduction of time dimension is depicted.

    The abstract layer constructed by the subjective interpretation of the space brought in by the participants are represented in these models with semi-transparent textiles. This component of the space is produced as the result of the space perception. It actually demonstrates the “place state” of the conceptual space that is realized when it gains meaning through someone’s perception. The textiles are connected to different elements introduced as the secondary components of the space. As these temporary elements move, get close and far from each other physically and metaphorically, the relationship between them transform with their changing interpretations of the space and each other. Consequently, so does the textiles, transparencies and densities.

            Overall, the models described the three components determined to conceptualize the space perception and the collective identity of these typologies. Although they are physically lost, as proved here, their collective memory -an abstract phenomenon that indicates a cultural identity- is deeply in touch with the spatial perception and can be retrieved back as a physical structure. Based on this project’s proposal, this can be done by introducing the physical aspects creating the space and activating them by time-referenced interactions. With the perception of these two layers, the spatial experience can be initiated with the iterations made and introduced to the collective memory of the space.